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Firefighter Suits | Emergency Networking

First Responders

Emergency Networking, powered by aldrin, offers a complete, single software platform for Fire Departments, EMS Agencies, EMS Transport Companies, and Critical Care Agencies to manage all aspects of their organizations.

Explore Here

Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software

The Best Choice For Your Agency

Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software

The Best Choice For Your Agency

Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Modern, cloud-based software
Emergency Networking APP

ENcharge PCR

NEMSIS 3.5 certified PCR offers the most advanced, yet easy to use app for crews to quickly and accurately complete runs while providing full customization and advanced reporting for the administration. Our offline mode allows for capturing data in the field without any connectivity.

NEMSIS 3.5 | Emergency Networking

Fire Incidents

Fire Incidents is NFIRS 5.0 compliant and provides a simple interface for documenting incidents and can even be created once in the PCR software and submitted to both agencies. Our unique progressive validation ensures the fastest and most accurate run documentation, saving crews time spent on reports. 

Fire Incidents | Emergency Networking

Properties & Inspections

Easily complete your inspections, issue permits and violations with Inspections. You can share information electronically and schedule re-check reminders and follow up tasks.

You can complete building pre-plans based on NFPA guidelines, which can automatically populate data in the NFIRS module for structure fires.

Properties  | Emergency Networking


Track, map, and service all of your hydrants and perform detailed in-service and out-of-service inspections. Report issues to your utilities department for repairs.

Hydrants | Emergency Networking


Training tracks your crew and instructor training hours, certifications, and classes. Upload pictures of certificates and run reports to ensure compliance with state training requirements.

Training | Emergency Networking

Truck Checks

Easily perform daily and weekly checks on your tablet computer or phone. Build your own compartments, set par levels, and add station based equipment. Even request and document maintenance requests.

Truck Checks | Emergency Networking


Track your station's inventory and apparatus. Document your vendors, purchasing information, and replacement data. Document and schedule maintenance tickets. Keep track of maintenance costs and run reports.

Inventory | Emergency Networking


NFPA 921 and 1033 compliant investigations module including built in consent and property custody forms. Pull data from corresponding NFIRS module and use real-time weather API.

Investigations | Emergency Networking

Reporting / Analytics

Better understand your department and identify trends to make informed, proactive decisions. Easily run reports with hundreds of pre-built templates in our report library or build ad hoc reports.

You can sort, graph and drill down into individual incidents and records directly from the reports.

Reporting/Analytics | Emergency Networking APP

Community Paramedicine

Manage your community outreach programs for mental health, substance abuse, and social determinants. Crew can make referrals directly from ENcharge PCR module. Provide multiple social services and government agencies access to longitudinal patient records.

Community Paramedicine | Emergency Networking


Document fire and EMS exposures. Track cancer-related preventative actions. Document specific agent exposures and durations.

Exposure | Emergency Networking

Custom Forms

Emergency Networking is built using the most advanced and powerful form and app builder, aldrin. With aldrin, we can create any custom form and app with data sources, rules, and calculations to meet even the largest departments needs. We couple this with our integration and API tools to be able to send and receive data with other departmental / city IT systems.

Custom Forms | Emergency Networking


Emergency Networking integrates with all the leading heart monitors, scheduling solutions and Cad systems, including Lifepak, Zoll, Tyler Enterprise and many more.

Integrations | Emergency Networking

Data Conversions

Easily import data from old legacy systems including, Firehouse, Emergency Reporting, First Due, ESO, Zoll, EMSCharts, ImageTrend, and more with pre-built mappings by vendor and modules.

NFIRS, Occupancies & Inspections, Hydrants & Flow Test, Equipment & Maintenance
History, Apparatus Maintenance History, Training, Events, Fuel Tracker

Data Conversions | Emergency Networking
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